
* = student mentored paper.  PDF = pre-publication and/or open-access version (where available)

*Joseph Raymond, Lucas S. Bair, Timothy D. Counihan, Wesley M. Daniel, Sofie Duntugan, Matthew E. Neilson, Michael Springborn. Don’t move a mussel: The role of key environmental drivers and management scale in assessing spatial variation in dreissenid spread risk in the Missouri River Basin. Ecological Indicators, 170, 2025. PDF

*Joakim A. Weill, Matthieu Stigler, Olivier Deschenes and Michael R. Springborn. Researchers’ degrees of flexibility: Revisiting COVID-19 policy evaluations. Economic Inquiry, early view online before inclusion in an issue. PDF COVID-19: social distancing

*Appilineni Kushal, Michael Springborn, and Fernanda Valdovinos. Assessing Impacts of Bycatch Policies and Fishers’ Heterogeneous Information on Food Webs and Fishery Sustainability. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379(1909), 2024. PDF

*Paul Mwebaze, Andrew M. Liebhold, Cleo Bertelsmeier, Olivia K. Bates, Derek Kellenberg, and Michael Springborn. The role of climatic similarity and bridgeheads in two centuries of trade-driven global ant invasions. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2(3), 515-530, 2023. PDF Invasives and trade

Charles Sims, Paul R. Armsworth, Julie Blackwood, Ben Fitzpatrick, David M. Kling, Suzanne Lenhart, Michael Neubert, Monica Papeş, James Sanchirico, Katriona Shea, Michael Springborn. Leveraging federalism for flexible and robust management of social‐ecological systems. People and Nature, 5(2), 446-454, 2023. PDF

Michael R. Springborn, Joakim A. Weill, Karen R. Lips, Roberto Ibáñez, and Aniruddha Ghosh. Amphibian Collapses Increased Malaria Incidence in Central AmericaEnvironmental Research Letters, 17(10), 2022. PDF  Amphibian ecosystem services and malaria

*Pierce Donovan and Michael Springborn. Balancing conservation and commerce: A shadow value viability approach for governing bycatch. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 114, 2022. PDF  Shadow value viability

*Matthew J. MacLachlan, Andrew M. Liebhold, Takehiko Yamanaka, and Michael R. Springborn. Hidden patterns of insect establishment risk revealed from two centuries of alien species discoveriesScience Advances, 2021, 7(44). PDF Invasives and trade

Núria Roura-Pascual, Brian Leung, …, Michael Springborn,… Alternative futures for global biological invasions. Sustainability Science, 16, 1637–1650, 2021. PDF Invasives and trade

*Jack H. Buckner, Gerardo Chowell and Michael R. Springborn. Dynamic Prioritization of COVID-19 Vaccines When Social Distancing is Limited for Essential Workers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(16), 2021. PDF COVID-19: vaccine prioritization

Rebecca Epanchin-Niell, Andrew Liebhold, Carol McAusland, Paul Mwebaze, Michael R. Springborn. Trade and Invasive Species: Tackling a Moving Target. Review of Economics and Environmental Policy, 15(1), 2021. PDF Invasives and trade

James Sanchirico, Julie Blackwood, Ben Fitzpatrick, David Kling, Suzanne Lenhart, Michael Neubert, Katriona Shea, Charles B. Sims, Michael Springborn. Political Economy of Renewable Resource Federalism, Ecological Applications, 31(3), 2021.

*Joakim A. Weill, Matthieu Stigler, Olivier Deschenes, Michael R. Springborn. Social distancing responses to COVID-19 emergency declarations strongly differentiated by income. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(33), 19658–19660, 2020. PDF COVID-19: social distancing

Franz Essl, Bernd Lenzner, Sven Bacher, …, Michael Springborn, … and Nuria Roura‐Pascual. Drivers of future alien species impacts: An expert‐based assessmentGlobal Change Biology, 26(9), 4880-4893, 2020. PDF Invasives and trade

Michael R. Springborn, Amanda Faig, Allison Dedrick and Marissa Baskett. Beyond biomass: valuing genetic diversity in natural resource management. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 102(2), 607-624, 2020. PDF Approximate dynamic programming

Michael R. Springborn and Amanda Faig. Moving forward: a simulation-based approach for solving dynamic resource management problemsMarine Resource Economics, 34(3), 199-224, 2019 PDF  Approximate dynamic programming

Julie L. Lockwood, Dustin J. Welbourne, Christina Romagosa, Phillip Cassey, Nicholas E. Mandrak, Angela Strecker, Brian Leung, Oliver C. Stringham, Bradley Udell, Diane J. Episcopio Sturgeon, Michael F. Tlusty, James Sinclair, Michael R. Springborn, Elizabeth F. Pienaar, Andrew Rhyne and Rueben Keller. When Pets Become Pests: The Role of the Exotic Pet Trade in Producing Invasive Vertebrate Animals. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 17(6), 323–330, 2019.  PDF  Invasives and trade

*Pierce Donovan, Lucas Bair, Charles B. Yackulic and Michael R. Springborn. Safety in numbers: cost-effective endangered species management for viable populations. Land Economics, 95(3), 435-453, 2019.  PDF  Shadow value viability

Lucas S. Bair, Charles B. Yackulic, Michael R. Springborn, Matthew N. Reimer, Craig A. Bond, and Lewis G. Coggins. Identifying cost-effective invasive species control to enhance endangered species populations in the Grand Canyon, USABiological Conservation, 220, 12-20, 2018.   PDF  Shadow value viability

Jacob LaRiviere, David Kling, James Sanchirico and Charles Sims and Michael R. Springborn.  The Treatment of Uncertainty and Learning in the Economics of Natural Resource and Environmental ManagementReview of Economics and Environmental Policy, 2017.  PDF

Michael R. Springborn, Amanda R. Lindsay, Rebecca S. Epanchin-Niell.  Harnessing enforcement leverage at the border to minimize biological risk from international live species trade.  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 132(B), 98-112, 2016.  PDF

*Matthew MacLachlan, Michael R. Springborn and Paul Fackler. Learning about a moving target in resource management: Optimal Bayesian disease.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99(1), 140-162, 2016.   PDF

Michael R. Springborn, Gerardo Chowell, Matthew MacLachlan, and Eli P. Fenichel, Accounting for Behavioral Responses during a Flu Epidemic Using Home Television Viewing.  BMC Infectious Diseases, 15(21), 2015.

Michael R. Springborn, Reuben P. Keller, Peter Daszak, Sarah Elwood, Christina M. Romagosa, Carlos Zambrana-Torrelio. Integrating risk assessment for invasion and disease risk in live animal trade. Diversity & Distributions, 21(1), 101–110, 2015.

Charles Perrings, Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Gerardo Chowell, Peter Daszak, Eli P. Fenichel, David Finnoff, Richard D. Horan, A. Marm Kilpatrick, Ann Kinzig, Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Simon Levin, Benjamin Morin, Katherine F. Smith, and Michael R. Springborn. Epidemiological Economics Is Changing Infectious Disease ManagementEcoHealth, 11, 464-475, 2014.

Kerri L Steenwerth, Amanda K Hodson, Arnold J Bloom, Michael R Carter, Andrea Cattaneo, Colin J Chartres, Jerry L Hatfield, Kevin Henry, Jan W Hopmans, William R Horwath, Bryan M Jenkins, Ermias Kebreab, Rik Leemans, Leslie Lipper, Mark N Lubell, Siwa Msangi, Ravi Prabhu, Matthew P Reynolds, Samuel Sandoval Solis, William M Sischo, Michael Springborn, Pablo Tittonell, Stephen M Wheeler, Sonja J Vermeulen, Eva K Wollenberg, Lovell S Jarvis and Louise E Jackson. Climate-Smart Agriculture Global Research Agenda: Science for ActionAgriculture & Food Security Journal, 3(11), 1-39, 2014.

Michael R. Springborn. Risk aversion and adaptive management: insights from a multi-armed bandit model of invasive species riskJournal of Environmental Economics and Management, 68(2), 226–242, 2014.

Reuben Keller and Michael R. Springborn.  Closing the Screen Door to New InvasionsConservation Letters, 7(3), 285–292, 2014.

Brian Leung,  Michael R. Springborn, James A. Turner, and Eckehard G. Brockerhoff. Pathway-level risk analysis: the net present value of an invasive species policy in the US.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12(5), 273-279, 2014.

James N. Sanchirico, Mark W. Schwartz and Angela N. Doerr and Michael R. Springborn. Investment and the policy process in conservation monitoring. Conservation Biology, 28(2), 361-371, 2014.

Michael R. Springborn, Boon-Ling Yeo, Juhwan Lee and Johan Six. Crediting uncertain ecosystem services in a market. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 66(3), 554-572, 2013.

Michael R. Springborn and James N. Sanchirico. A density projection approach for non-trivial information dynamics: Adaptive management of stochastic natural resources. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 66(3), 609-624, 2013.

Rolf Groeneveld, Michael R. Springborn and Christopher Costello. Repeated experimentation to learn about a flow-pollutant threshold. Environmental and Resource Economics, 58(4), 627-647, 2014.

Michael R. Springborn. Rationalizing international species trade through invasion risk assessment. Invasive Species in a Globalized World, ed. R.P. Keller, M. Cadotte & G. Sandiford. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 163-181, 2015.

Robert Lieli and Michael R. Springborn. Closing the gap between risk estimation and decision-making: efficient management of trade-related invasive species risk. The Review of Economics and Statistics 95(2), 632-645, 2013.

John Schmidt, Michael R. Springborn and John Drake. Bioeconomic forecasting of invasive species by ecological syndrome. Ecosphere 3(5), 2012.

Michael R. Springborn, Michael Bliss Singer and Thomas Dunne. Sediment-adsorbed total mercury flux through Yolo Bypass, the primary floodway and wetland in the Sacramento Valley, California. Science of the Total Environment 412, 203-213, 2011.

Michael R. Springborn, Reuben Keller and Christina Romagosa. The value of nonindigenous species risk assessment in international tradeEcological Economics 70(11), 2145-2153, 2011.
See discussion of this article on The Benefits of Stopping Invasive Species Before They Invade, by Bryan Walsh.

Reuben Keller and Michael R. Springborn. Long-term correlations in European socioeonomic conditions create a bias towards conclusion that an invasion debt occurs. Letter to the Editor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(25 E220), 2011.

Carolyn Fischer and Michael R. Springborn. Emissions targets and the real business cycle. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 62(3), 352-366, 2011.

Eli P. FenichelCarlos Castillo-ChavezM. G. CeddiaGerardo ChowellPaula A. Gonzalez ParraGraham J. HicklingGarth HollowayRichard HoranBenjamin MorinCharles PerringsMichael SpringbornLeticia Velazquez, and Cristina Villalobos.  Adaptive human behavior in epidemiological modelsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(15), 6306-6311, 2011.

James N. Sanchirico and Michael R. Springborn. How to Get There From Here: Ecological and Economic Dynamics of Ecosystem Service Provision. Environmental and Resource Economics, 48(2), 243-267, 2011.

Michael R. Springborn, Christopher J. Costello, and Peyton Ferrier. Optimal random exploration for trade-related non-indigenous species risk. Bioinvasions and Globalization: Ecology, Economics, Management, and Policy, ed. C. Perrings, H. Mooney and M. Williamson, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.

Christopher J. Costello, Michael R. Springborn, Carol McAusland, and Andy Solow. Unintended biological invasions: Does risk vary by trading partner?  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 54(3), 262-276, 2007.

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